All in Shadow Work

Meeting the Skeletons in Your Closet

The skeletons in your closet are real and seriously a drag! Clearing them lightens the load for you to live a life you’d prefer. What may seem impossible as a solitary soul, is so much easier when you have support. You don’t have to make friends those skeletons, but you can neutralize and disperse the block they have on you and your household. Often/usually linked to the households of our upbringing, including pre-verbal infanthood and ancestral narratives, un-witnessed stories (stored in the “stuff”) are waiting for your compassionate release!

Top 5 Ways To Make Your Space Fully Functional

Some of the hardest work to become “fully functional” is honoring the constraints of your home, storage, property, sanity, and wallet. If a thing doesn’t have it’s own, designated place -or there isn’t room for it- then a sometimes-epic journey of prioritization must be undertaken. You can only fit what you can fit, even with bomber Tetris skills and a high-tolerance for a “full” space. There still needs to be room for you and everyone who shares this space with you. YOU still need to be able to flow…