All tagged brain health

Discipline is The Center of Everything In These Times

When we think about the root of every problem facing us these days, at the very center, lies an opportunity for us to make different & better choices. That’s what’s on the menu, across all the boards, These Days. No matter how modest or grandiose, how quietly personal or publicly-shared… change is something we must embrace and adapt to, if we care anything about transmuting the 20th Century into a livable 21st.

Top 5 Ways To Make Your Space Fully Functional

Some of the hardest work to become “fully functional” is honoring the constraints of your home, storage, property, sanity, and wallet. If a thing doesn’t have it’s own, designated place -or there isn’t room for it- then a sometimes-epic journey of prioritization must be undertaken. You can only fit what you can fit, even with bomber Tetris skills and a high-tolerance for a “full” space. There still needs to be room for you and everyone who shares this space with you. YOU still need to be able to flow…